Friday, May 31, 2013

How Social Media Has Changed the Face of Business

Businesses have always used many different ways to get their messages out to the general public. In the past, companies had to rely on marketing methods like television, radio and print ads. In today's world, social media has revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers. Social media has changed the face of business and it continues to alter the way companies engage.

Direct Contact
One way that social media has changed business is by providing a more direct way for customers to get in contact. In the past, it was basically a one-way means of communication. Companies would send out their messages and then hope that people listened to them. Now, with social media, customers can actually respond back to companies. When a message is sent out, they can respond directly to the company easily through their social media profiles. This makes it a two-way conversation between marketer and customer.

Cut Down on Costs
One of the advantages of using social media for business is that it cuts down on costs. Instead of having to pay large sums of money to get a message out, the company could potentially send a message out for free through social media. Once the social media profile has many contacts associated with it, it can reach a large number of people without any investment. While it does take some time to build up a large number of friends or followers, once the numbers are up there, it can be a very powerful tool for a business to use.

Building Relationships
Another way that a company can benefit from social media marketing is that it helps them build relationships. In the past, it was difficult for companies to really get to know their customers and build relationships with them. This would have been the case for a company such as
Zivelo Kiosks. With the help of social media, they can stay in constant contact with their customers. This helps create some brand loyalty so that customers will keep coming back when they need what the company has to offer.

Because of the influence of social media, more companies are the focus on creating unique content that can be shared. For example, they may put an emphasis on creating quality videos that are likely to go viral. They may write content for blogs or offer free promotions to attract attention. The way that they market has changed because of the ability to share content through social media outlets.


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