Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How To Use PPC Landing Pages For Higher Conversions & Lower CPC

Did you know that you can pay less and get more? This works very well in such system like Google Adwords. By improving and specs of your landing page, you can significantly increase the success of the PPC campaign, while reducing its price. Let's compare the right and wrong landing pages and see why your ads on Google should lead to the promotion specific landing page and not to homepage, registration or cart page and how it will influence on the conversion. Below is infographics, which includes a detailed description.

The wrong way

1.       Poor message match from unfocused or content sparse pages the quality score and ad rank. This requires you to pay a higher cost-per-click.
2.      Your homepage has too many interaction points. This increases the bounce rate and leads people to wander off your conversion funnel path.
3.      Shopping carts are too much of a hard sell. Buyers need some seduction before they will commit to the purchase.
4.      Registration pages are usually dry with sparse information. An interstitial click-through page would prepare them for the conversion goal.
5.      Rebound traffic: The result of 2, 3 and 4 is to drive prospects to the back button which places them in comparison shopping mode back on the results page. Driving your visitors to your competitor’s ads can’t be good for business.

The right way

1.      Strong message match from the landing page gives you a high quality score, lower cost-per-click and a better ad rank.
2.      The focus and simplicity of your landing page greets your visitors with confidence, reducing bounce rate and increasing engagement.
3.      Click-through landing pages are used to extend your ad massage, providing the info required to make a conversion decision. They are passed on to the cart or registration page only after they have expressed final interest in the product/service.
4.      Lead generation landing pages swap a giveaway (ebook, whitepaper, webinar) in exchange for personal details. The whole page is designed with this in mind vs. a homepage that may only designate a small portion of the sidebar.


Utilize your confirmation page to expend your success. Post-conversion marketing involves guiding your new customer to immerse themselves deeper in your sphere of influence.
Ask them to follow you on Twitter/Facebook, download a free (branded) resource, opt-in to a newsletter or visit another relevant page.

By using promotion specific landing page you can increase your page’s quality score, ad rank, conversion rate and decrease your bounce rate and PPC campaign’s cost. The choice is yours.

Author bio: Korah Morrison, writer on College-Paper.org that helps students achieve their academic goals.

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