Important Backlinks only
Baidu will give a priority to trusted websites on backlinks such as government websites and main online newspapers.
Baidu gives a priority to websites of the Baidu network, Baike the Wikipedia of Baidu, Zhidao, the Questions/Answers and Tieba the forum of Baidu.
To succeed on Baidu, you have to be focused on acquisition of important links.
Backlinks which are not important
Mondial websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are blocked in China and thus are useless for Baidu.
Links in another language than chinese are invisible.
Links from chinese SNS don’t count so much, Sina Weibo, Kaixin or Renren because they are competitors of Baidu.
Websites blocked by the chinese government don’t have any influence on the positioning on Baidu.
Quantity of links before everything
Baidu puts on the top websites with a big quantity of links which point out to the website, without discrimination on the links. The more you have links, the more you go up…
Blackhat strategies of massive acquisition of links work very well on Baidu. Without a lot of incoming links, it’s hard to show up on the most competitive market of the world.
Links of the home page and in footer count a lot for the Baidu Rank.
For example, the main chinese online newspapers have a homepage with a lot of links.
To succeed on Baidu, you have to be focused on acquisition of important links. High PR Blog Comment On Seoclerks