Friday, August 2, 2013

Search Engine Optimization – SEO

SEO Site Audit and Analysis

Per­form­ing an au­dit and analy­sis for your web­site is part of the re-work­ing of your mar­ket­ing plan and dig­i­tal strat­egy. It re­quires an ex­pert that is con­stantly stay­ing up on the lat­est tech­nol­ogy and changes from the search en­gines in or­der to ac­cu­rately re­vamp your strat­egy and get the largest re­turn on your in­vest­ment.
Things that we take into consideration:
  • On-page or On-site Optimization
  • Keyword Selection
  • Website Optimization
  • Social Media Implementation/Integration
  • Blog Integration
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Listings in Google Places, Bing Local and other local search engines and directories
  • Link Building and Anchor Text Optimization
SEO Site Audit and Analysis

SEO Algorithm Updates

There are count­less web­sites that lost rank­ing in the last year and a half. Once Google Panda and Pen­guin hit, peo­ple that hat pur­chased links or paid for back­links, were hit dra­mat­i­cally.
Google Pen­guin was de­signed to re­duce the spam on the web where peo­ple tried to ma­nip­u­late search en­gines and de­ceive them into higher rank­ings. It shouldn’t have been as big of a shock as it was though. The sites that got hit by this were spam­ming for a long time. Even thought it only af­fected 3.1% in the US, it hit ma­jor play­ers in the in­dus­try which is why it was so shock­ing and got so much no­to­ri­ety. They had gained high rank­ing through black hat if not black hat, gray hat at best. Along with the spam, Google pen­guin also takes into ac­count key­word stuff­ing (spam).
The Google Web­mas­ter Tools and Bing Web­mas­ter Cen­ter have been in­dis­pens­able. The first thing you need to do when set­ting up a site is to get email alerts from the web­mas­ter cen­ters to alert you when things go wrong with your site : bro­ken links, spam, hack­ing, etc.
Uti­liz­ing the ag­ile de­vel­op­ment method­ol­ogy of con­cept, plan, build, and launch we can ef­fec­tively con­tinue to achieve suc­cess by fol­low­ing the process that al­lows us to track pro­ject man­age­ment and keep ef­fi­ciency high.

Setup Google Alerts

Google Alerts are emails sent to you when Google finds new re­sults such as web pages or news­pa­per ar­ti­cles that match your search term. You can use Google Alerts to mon­i­tor any­thing on the Web. For ex­am­ple, peo­ple use Google Alerts to:
  • Find out what is being said about their company or product.
  • Monitor a developing news story.
  • Keep up to date on a competitor or industry.
  • Get the latest news on a celebrity or sports team.
  • Find out what’s being said about their company.
Ideas for sug­gested search terms:
  1. Your website name
  2. Your domain name
  3. Type into Google “ Viagra” or any spam terms like “body building”, “Nigerian princess”, etc.
  4. Keywords you want to target – lets you analyze competition and gauge yourself

Setup Google Analytics

Google An­a­lyt­ics not only lets you mea­sure sales and con­ver­sions, but also gives you fresh in­sights into how vis­i­tors use your site, how they ar­rived on your site, and how you can keep them com­ing back.
Mon­i­tor stats like…
  1. Bounce Rate
  2. Exit Rate
  3. Conversions
  4. Traffic
With the Google An­a­lyt­ics Con­ver­sion Suite you can go be­yond pageviews and vis­i­tor counts. See how all your dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing chan­nels work to­gether to bring vis­i­tors to your site. Mea­sure sales, down­loads, video plays, and other ac­tions that are of value to you. Un­der­stand why some vis­i­tors buy from you and oth­ers don’t — so you can ad­just your site and your mar­ket­ing pro­grams to meet your busi­ness goals.

Location based Searching

In­creas­ingly, there is grow­ing value in know­ing your user’s lo­ca­tion in or­der to serve up the most rel­e­vant search re­sults. While most mo­bile searches are about news and weather, but a grow­ing per­cent­age of searches on mo­bile de­vices are di­rectly re­lated to re­tail­ers. This means that lo­ca­tion based search­ing is be­com­ing more im­por­tant for the user’s ex­pe­ri­ence and in turn more im­por­tant for de­vel­op­ers and de­sign­ers to pay at­ten­tion to.

Tracking Events and Links

Event Track­ing is a method avail­able in the ga.js track­ing code that you can use to record user in­ter­ac­tion with web­site el­e­ments, such as a Flash-dri­ven menu sys­tem. This is ac­com­plished by at­tach­ing the method call to the par­tic­u­lar UI el­e­ment you want to track. You can use a ser­vice to mon­i­tor in­bound, out­bound, and ex­change links so that in turn you can thank any­one who links to your site.

What Is SEO / Search Engine Optimization?

SEO is an acronym for Search En­gine Op­ti­miza­tion. Search En­gine Op­ti­miza­tion is the process used for gain­ing or­ganic traf­fic, nat­ural search re­sults, on search en­gines through var­i­ous search queries. Un­for­tu­nately the dif­fer­ent search en­gines like Google, Ya­hoo, Bing, and Ask all have dif­fer­ent ideas on how to rank web­sites there­fore mak­ing SEO unique for each search en­gine.
Pay­ing for clicks is NOT SEO. - See PPC for more in­for­ma­tion.
Image for General SEO

Local Search Optimization in Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Ask

For small and medium sized busi­nesses it’s less im­por­tant to be the #1 gen­eral search re­sult than it is to be the #1 lo­cal search re­sult in your spe­cific ser­vice area.
For busi­nesses that op­er­ate in spe­cific lo­cales or have de­fined ser­vice ar­eas like restau­rants, real es­tate agents, or other ser­vice providers, it makes sense to fo­cus mar­ket­ing money and ef­forts where your cus­tomers are.
Whether you are look­ing for a re­spon­sive web­site or a unique ap­pli­ca­tion there are cer­tain stan­dards that stay the same when per­form­ing SEO:
  • On-page or On-site Optimization
  • Keyword Research and Selection
  • Website Evaluation and Optimization Strategies
  • Developing a Digital Marketing Plan
  • Social Media Strategy and Implementation/Integration
  • Social Media Training
  • Blog Implementation/Integration and Training
  • Online Reputation Monitoring and Management
  • Listings in Google Places, Bing Local and other local search engines and directories
  • Link Building and Anchor Text Optimization ( not as important anymore )
social media marketing - search engine optimization - vertical

Toledo Markets SEO Experience


High Technology



Our SEO pro­ject ex­pe­ri­ence in Toledo, Ohio has been a grow­ing mar­ket for us. Peo­ple have a hard time ad­just­ing to the idea that you don’t get a phys­i­cal good in re­turn. You do how­ever get a vis­i­ble re­turn on in­vest­ment by watch­ing rank­ings and judg­ing the im­pact of spe­cific changes that oc­cur with your user base.
By im­pact­ing your or­ga­ni­za­tion with SEO, we cre­ate a lo­cal and wide area pres­ence in your in­dus­try. It is more af­ford­able to cre­ate a lo­cal pres­ence but the process in cre­at­ing this pres­ence is in essence the same.
If you are in­ter­ested in look­ing at de­vel­op­ing a Search En­gine Op­ti­miza­tion plan for your com­pany please get in touch with us and we will show you what we can do for you – whether you’re in Toledo or not.

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