Friday, July 26, 2013

Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay Per Click Overview

Pay Per Click or PPC mar­ket­ing is still one of the most pop­u­lar meth­ods when it comes to dig­i­tal ad­ver­tis­ing. PPC mar­ket­ing has been proven to bring in lots of traf­fic to a web­site with lit­tle in­vest­ment and risk. The risk is min­i­mal be­cause not only do you con­trol your bud­get but you’re go­ing to be us­ing key­words and/or key­word phrases that you cre­ate in your PPC mar­ket­ing cam­paign.
When it comes to us­ing a PPC mar­ket­ing cam­paign you can ex­pect to not only save money on this type of ad­ver­tis­ing, but you can also ex­pect to see a higher re­turn on your in­vest­ment (ROI). As time goes by there are changes that are go­ing to need to be made to your PPC cam­paign so that it stays both true and cur­rent. Con­tact us now for more in­for­ma­tion.
Plat­forms Ser­viced: Google Ad­words, Face­book, Bing, Ya­hoo 

Adwords Campaign Attributes

  • Multivariant Testing (A/B Testing)
  • Keyword Development and Generation
  • Landing Page Creation and Optimization
  • Return on Investment Tracking
  • Quality Score Optimization > 5
  • Advanced Automated Reporting
  • Multiple conversion tracking
  • Automated Bid Management
  • Cost and Conversion Forecasting
  • Conversion Metrics
  • Automatic Budget Management
  • Unique Seasonality Decisioning
  • Long Tail Term bidding
  • Automated algorithm bidding
  • Cost per click (CPC)

Pay Per Click Ideology

Experience, Innovation, and Presentation are the three pillars of success for your pay-per-click marketing campaigns and Lechlak has a strong foundation in all three. Contact us today to see how our PPC managers can grow your business.

Our PPC Management Methodology

Hir­ing Lech­lak puts your com­pany in a unique po­si­tion to achieve re­sults to­day while hav­ing cam­paigns de­vel­oped for fu­ture goals. Suc­cess­ful PPC man­age­ment ser­vices re­quire that the agency has a full un­der­stand­ing of the client’s busi­ness model and fu­ture im­ple­men­ta­tions so that the brand of your com­pany grows ex­po­nen­tially.
Be­fore we even con­sider be­gin­ning the analy­sis stage of any cam­paign we talk with our clients to gain an un­der­stand­ing of their busi­ness and iden­tify spe­cific goals us­ing data de­rived from past cam­paigns, prod­uct mar­gins, sea­son­al­ity, and com­pet­i­tive en­vi­ron­men­tal fac­tors. We dis­cuss your time­line and es­tab­lish ex­pec­ta­tions based upon that time­line, bud­get, and com­pe­ti­tion for goals. Once Ad­word goals and ex­pec­ta­tions are set we move on to the fol­low­ing:

Pay Per Click Process


Analysis & Discovery/ Planning & Strategy

We re­search all el­e­ments of your busi­ness and ag­gres­sively en­gage with your team to learn every­thing about your com­pany: his­tor­i­cal ad­ver­tise­ments, cur­rent and fu­ture goals, cur­rent po­si­tion in the mar­ket­place both on­line and of­fline, sea­sonal trends, and me­dia pres­ence. Sec­ondly, we do com­peti­tor re­search ex­am­in­ing your com­pe­ti­tions’ key­words, ads, and land­ing pages to help us dif­fer­en­ti­ate your place within the paid search realm. We want you rank­ing bet­ter with­out pay­ing an ex­u­ber­ant amount. There are sweet spots that we can tar­get rather than the de­cep­tive num­ber 1 spot which nor­mally costs a con­sid­er­able amount more be­cause every­one wants to be num­ber 1.

Keyword & Competitive Research

Lech­lak’s Ad­word and PPC Strat­egy per­forms a com­pre­hen­sive key­word analy­sis across all of the ma­jor search en­gines ( Google, Ya­hoo, Bing, Ask ) us­ing ex­pert key­word re­search tools avail­able. We dis­cover the key­words which are more likely to con­vert to sales or leads and op­ti­mize ac­cord­ing them ac­cord­ing to your PPC cam­paign goals while main­tain­ing a tight bud­get. We also look for key­words that are a phrase or short sen­tence also known as a long-tail key­words have high po­ten­tial to bring tar­geted cus­tomers to your web site. Long-tail key­words are of­ten ben­e­fi­cial to tar­get be­cause of re­duced cost and ef­fort that it takes to gain a bet­ter rank­ing.


Based on our re­search and your di­rect in­put, we de­velop a holis­tic strat­egy which in­cludes key­word de­vel­op­ment, ad­ver­tise­ment cre­ation, con­tent cre­ation, in­for­ma­tion ar­chi­tec­ture, op­ti­mized cam­paign struc­ture, and land­ing page cre­ation and op­ti­miza­tion. Each of these el­e­ments is strate­gi­cally de­vel­oped so that dur­ing the course of your cam­paigns we can make in­formed busi­ness de­ci­sions to bet­ter al­lo­cate funds dri­ving a higher ROI and im­proved leads. This is where we de­velop our AB mul­ti­vari­ate test­ing so we can ef­fec­tively make changes based upon sta­tis­tics found in Google An­a­lyt­ics.

Set Up & Deploy

Lever­ag­ing in­tel­li­gence gath­ered dur­ing analy­sis, we move on to re­fin­ing key­word lists, cre­at­ing ad­ver­tise­ments, gen­er­at­ing a cus­tom strat­egy for Ad­words, Bing, or Face­book cam­paign struc­ture, key­word bids, in­for­ma­tion ar­chi­tec­ture, and dis­tri­b­u­tion chan­nels in­clud­ing search queries, search net­works, and dis­play net­works. Af­ter an ex­ten­sive QA process where we ad­just cam­paign set­tings and test the cam­paign track­ing mech­a­nisms we have put in place: Google An­a­lyt­ics, Hub­spot an­a­lyt­ics, con­ver­sion track­ing, goal track­ing, and event track­ing,  we push your cam­paigns live.

Optimize & Refinement

The core of any paid search cam­paign will be its flex­i­bil­ity to test, re­fine, and op­ti­mize re­sults within a time­line that is more rapid than any other medium. Your changes can be re­flected within min­utes to hours de­pend­ing on the mod­i­fi­ca­tions per­formed. With on­go­ing re­fine­ment, your cam­paign will re­ceive daily nim­ble changes to more com­pre­hen­sive ac­count trans­for­ma­tions dur­ing the life­time of your cam­paign. Us­ing the cam­paign goals, per­for­mance data, and test­ing re­sults we are able to ap­proach each ad­just­ment as an in­formed busi­ness de­ci­sion to reach your fu­ture goals. These de­ci­sions can im­pact every­thing from key­words, key­word bids, land­ing page de­signs, or ad group bud­gets. The com­pre­hen­sive op­ti­miza­tion process is an on­go­ing pur­suit through­out the life of the Ad­words, Ya­hoo, Bing, or Face­book cam­paign. Dur­ing this time we will be con­cur­rently mon­i­tor­ing, test­ing and re­fin­ing all el­e­ments of the cam­paign.

Why Buy Traffic with PPC?

The abil­ity to pur­chase traf­fic and trans­late that into leads with lit­tle start-up costs makes PPC search en­gines the per­fect means to use on short run cam­paigns for we­bi­nars, niche mar­kets, sea­sonal traf­fic, and tight dead­lines. You also can use pay per click ad­ver­tise­ment s for:
  • the ability to turn the traffic off once a particular campaign is finished,
  • calculating return-on-investment through defined reporting mechanisms
  • generating traffic without substantial web site modification, if any

1 comment:

  1. Ppc is needed when you dont have reliable seo services and you need fast results. Sometime people spent more money to get more results but targeting accurately will save your tons of money.
